History of THE MAX - Max Fitness in NJ
- Posted on January 16, 2023
- New Attractions
- By Kerry O'Brien
Where it all began
THE MAX, a 10 week body, mind and fitness challenge meant to improve people’s health and provide them with a sense of renewed existence and wellness was founded in 2011 by Bryan Klein.
Struggling with the up and downhill battle of weight loss and gain his whole life, Klein was determined to develop a system that would do more than give people a chance to lose the extra pounds they have, but also transform their lifestyle and eating habits.
At these “gyms” people are encouraged to workout, eat right, and live a more fulfilling and enriched life. It sounds like a typical gym, right? Well that is not the case!
Klein opened the first brick and mortar location for THE MAX in 2011, making it possible for people to take the first steps in improving their lives.
These workout centers were originally opened because he wanted to show that those dedicated to changing their physical appearance and mental wellness that they could do so simply by taking their workouts to THE MAX.
The program
The program is focused on three key features of total lifestyle change: fitness, nutrition, and motivation. Initially focusing on the fitness aspect of working out and changing lives, instructors, since day one of the program’s creation, encourage MAX members to participate in each daily activity to the best of their ability.
People of all skill levels sign up for the program, meaning that there no two people in the class could be on the same skill level. As such, classes have always focused on bringing out the best in every participant.
Wanting to inspire people to become fit but not simply work themselves to exhaustion, the instructors break each 45 minute fitness class into three parts. By doing this, every member of THE MAX is made to feel comfortable, welcomed, and as though they are a part of the group….which they are. Everyone who signs up for this program becomes a part of THE MAX community.
Nutrition is the second key feature of health and lifestyle change that THE MAX centers on. From day one of THE MAX program, Klein, and now franchise owners and program instructors, have wanted to make eating right not only easy and simple, but also imaginable and enjoyable for their members.
To do that, the program coordinators initially take the time to sit down with their members and discuss the pros and cons of various food choices. Taking it a step further, instructors make it a point to explain to their classmates the importance of eating at the right time. Once challenge participants know these key factors of nutrition and how eating at one time of the day compared to another, they begin getting excited about the program because they realize that eating won’t be a chore, they do not need to “diet” per se, and they will soon be looking and feeling great.
One of the most important aspects of the nutrition program that many MAX members do not realize when they start eating right is how good they will feel.
By switching out processed food for natural and fresh food, they are afforded more energy. No longer settling for mediocre meals that sure, fill them up and satisfy them in the moment, THE MAX challenge participants are eating healthier than they ever have before. With the proper nutrients and correct portion sizes, members soon realize that not only are they burning calories on the mat and changing their physical appearance, but they are also feeling great about themselves. Simply combining the first two key features of lifestyle change promoted at THE MAX, fitness and nutrition, those who take the 10 week fitness challenge find themselves feeling happier. They know they are making the right choices for their life and as such, are inspired to continue the program, push themselves harder, and strive to become the best they can be.
Furthering the individual inspiration that people gain simply from wanting to better themselves is the motivation they get from their fellow classmates and instructors. As the third and final key feature of lifestyle changes for success at THE MAX, motivation plays an integral role in members’ continuation with the program.
At every MAX, whether it is a franchise in Northern New Jersey or Southern New Jersey, classmates become friends and these new friends become family.
Since everyone goes to the gym with the same goal in mind, wanting to transform their body, mind, and lifestyle, they aren’t only ecstatic when they accomplish something new, but when a friend does too. The class becomes a community as the 10 weeks progresses and everyone rejoices when someone who was once struggling with one of the workouts comes out on top, completing the action with triumph. One legacy member of THE MAX, meaning she has taken part in numerous 10 week challenges, explains that the comradery at her gym location is “very supportive and motivational. Everyone cheers each other on and pushes each other to succeed.” With such a support system, it becomes almost impossible for people to leave the challenge feeling unsatisfied or alone.
Once it ends
Once the 10 weeks is completed, challenge members are given the chance to visibly see their physical transformations. While they, of course, had mirrors to look in during the course of the challenge, taking a moment to compare before pictures taken by THE MAX to their after pictures, truly communicates to participants that something truly great has happened.
By simply taking 45 minute workout classes once a day and eating right, people learn, and see, that drastic changes can be made. When looking at the pictures taken by MAX instructors, participants don’t just see the loss fat or gain of muscle, they see a truly different person.
Displayed before their eyes is usually a before picture that shows a person unsatisfied with their weight and maybe struggling to feel happy, while the after pictures, undoubtedly, display the image of a person who is happier, healthier and feels empowered by their time at THE MAX.
The Future
This program, while still in its infancy, is life changing. Klein was once quoted saying that “excellence is not something that is reserved for the elite few. Excellence is something that is within the grasp of all of us and I have made it my life’s mission to help others achieve their own personal best!
I created THE MAX Challenge to transform minds, bodies, and spirits in just 10 weeks and to inspire everyone NOT to settle for mediocrity.” It can be safe to say that Klein has been successful with his mission and achieved the goal he set for his company. http://www.themaxchallenge.com/meet-bryan/
As the years pass and THE MAX gets bigger and bigger, franchise opportunities are opening up left and right. If interested, take a moment to look into their franchising opportunities here.